People of Campo tell judge not to place sex offender in their community

SAN DIEGO (CNS) – Campo residents told a judge today they don’t want a soon-to-be-released sexually violent predator placed in their rural southeastern San Diego County community. After a hearing last August, Superior Court Judge David Gill found that ____ ____ could safely be released into the community for continued treatment and supervision.

Last month, the Department of State Hospitals proposed placing Badger at a 5.07-acre private residence on Custer Road in Campo. The nearest schools are Campo Elementary, located 2.2 miles away, Mountain Meadow High School and Potrero Elementary School, both 8.3 miles to the west. Gill heard comments from community members today regarding the plan to place ____ there. Full Article

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It is a sad state of affairs when citizens are so full of fear that they try to prevent the release of someone who experts have determined is no longer a danger to society. If only they would look at the facts…low rate of re-offense….myth of stranger danger….etc.

Perhaps these places should be reopened to house the ever growing population of registered citizens; So you know what the dog said when its tail got cut off? It won’t be long now! Is this where we’re truly heading?

Temporary detention centers were used from late March, 1942 until mid-October, 1942, when internees were moved to the ten more permanent internment prisons. These temporary sites were mainly located on large fairgrounds or race tracks in visible and public locations. It would be impossible for local populace to say that they were unaware of the removal and imprisonment of Japanese Americans.

Tanforan Temporary Detention Center
Tanforan Temporary Detention Center, San Bruno, CA

Fresno, California First inmate arrival May 6, 1942. Last inmate departure October 30, 1942. Peak population 5120.

Manzanar, California First inmate arrival March 21, 1942. Peak population (before June 1, 1942) 9666. Before it was leased from the City of Los Angeles, Manzanar was once ranch and farm land until it reverted to desert conditions. Manzanar was transfered from the WCCA to WRA on June 1, 1942, and converted into a “relocation camp.”

Marysville, California First inmate arrival May 8, 1942. Last inmate departure June 29, 1942. Peak population 2451.

Mayer, Arizona First inmate arrival May 7, 1942. Last inmate departure June 2, 1942. Peak population 245. Mayer was a camp abaondoned by the Civilian Conservation Corp.

Merced, California First inmate arrival May 6, 1942. Last inmate departure September 15, 1942. Peak population 4508.

Pinedale, California First inmate arrival May 7, 1942. Last inmate departure July 23, 1942. Peak population 4792. Pinedale was the previous site of a mill.

Pomona, California First inmate arrival May 7, 1942. Last inmate departure August 24, 1942. Peak population 5434.

No one could convince me that any city would bit any more thrilled if they were notified that the state had decided to grace their community with a homicidal maniac, violent sociopath, compulsive thief, or drug peddler. Community notification is designed to provoke fear. Fear provokes a defensive course of action.

This is more offender bating by a backwoods politician and a local media hungry for ratings. Supervisor Jacob said on local news a couple years ago that these people (registered citizens) should be kept in jail forever. Myth 1, the back country is full of nice people. In just one community in the last few years we had a local business man instruct his employee to burn down his house for the insurance money. The employee died in the fire. We had another good citizen murder his wife in front of her son. There are others, but you get the idea. Only pure, god fearing people live here. Cast those stones, ye who are without sin.